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The age of your piano is determined mainly from its serial number. You may be able to find information about the age of your piano from the links below. The serial numbers for pianos are usually at least 5 numbers long. Some older piano have 4 digits. Many of the newer pianos have a very long combination of numbers and letters. Some of the manufacturers stopped listing serial numbers with age of their pianos on the internet because there were too many variables and so they prefer that you contact them by email now. The serial number for most vertical pianos is above the strings inside the piano. Some vertical piano numbers are on the back of the piano.
The serial number for most grand pianos is usually between the front of the piano and the tuning pins. Some grand piano numbers are stamped into the soundboard
https://bluebookofpianos.com/pianoage.html (Some serial numbers are shown)
https://www.pianoworld.com/gulbransen.htm (Gulbransen Serial Numbers)
https://www.pianoatlas.com/atlas.html (This is the book all technicians use to find age for you) https://usa.yamaha.com/support/finding_age_of_yamaha_piano/ Yamaha Piano Serial Numbers
https://usa.yamaha.com/support/finding_age_of_everett_piano/ Everett Piano Serial Numbers
https://www.besbrodepianos.co.uk/pianoserialnumber.htm Other available information At Ask.com there are serveral piano companies listed with manufacturing histories - see link below:
Not all pianos serial numbers show in the various directories. But if they do it is fun knowing the age of your piano.
Gulbransen Piano Serial Number Lookup
Piano Lookup By Serial Number
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Gulbransen Upright Piano Serial Numbers
Gulbransen Piano Dates Gulbransen 2102 Hancock Street San Diego CA 92110 (619) 296-5760 www.gulbransen.com 1915-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2-3-3-3-3-306000. Each piano is manufactured with a unique serial number that is recorded for future reference of not only when it was made but also where. Discover your Piano’s Age and Country Of Origin with our 5 Star Accuracy Guide to ensure the quality and reliability of each result. The serial number (NOT the model number) of the piano. To locate the serial number on a vertical piano, open the top and look inside. Almost all of them include the serial number on the plate in a small 'window' near the tuning pins. The number will usually be a 4 to 7 digit number, but may include a letter or two.