Arma 3 Altis Life Map Editor Download

  1. Arma 3 Altis Life Map
  2. Arma 3 Altis Life Map Editor Download
  3. Arma 3 Altis Life Map Editor Download Pc
  4. Arma 3 Altis Life Map Editor Download Full
  5. Arma 3 Altis Life Map Editor Download Torrent


In this guide, we will see how to install Altis Life on your Arma 3 server hosted at mTxServ. The installation is done in two parts, first the installation of the mod files via the management panel, then the configuration of the database required by Altis Life.


  • An Arma 3 server (buy one by clicking here)
  • Nothing else :) !

Im looking for someone to make me a map for an Altis Life server. Anyone can really do this, they just need to be creative. If someone is interested in doing this but doesnt know how then I can teach them. The reason Im not doing it myself is because Im not creative and map editing takes time. Arma 3Altis & Stratis Map Author: BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE a.s. Subject: Version 2.0 Keywords Created Date: 11/5/2019 6:58:00 PM. Voice Macro is a free voice command tool, I've created a basic profile to use with Arma 3. This profile will allow you to do many of the commands in game using your microphone.VM uses windows voice recognition.Once you have Voice Macro installed, just import the arma 3.xml file as a profile and keep the program active while playin. Altis Life, the police and civilian role-playing server mod for Arma 3, reminds me a bit of the time—the very little time—I spent on a few Garry's Mod role-playing servers. Rather than engage in multiplayer warfare, players engage in, well, virtual life. If you're playing a civilian, you buy a car, get a. Working 2021 - Altis Life 5. Working 2021 - Lakeside Valley Life. Mods included above. Map Source Files.

Installation of Altis Life

  • Go to your management panel.
  • Click on 'Plugins' and select the version of Altis Life you need (v4 or v5).

Once its installed, don't restart your server because we need to configure the database which is required for Altis Life.

Database configuration

If you haven't already done so, go to your management panel and activate your web hosting and the MySQL database you will need to run Altis Life.

  • Go to your management panel.
  • Click on FTP & Files then WebFTP.
  • Go to the following directory arma3/@extDB3 and edit extdb3-conf.ini.
  • Replace the part containing the SQL IDs with your IDs:

Arma 3 Altis Life Map

We are almost there, let's make the initialization of SQL data.

SQL data initialization

In the arma3 directory of your server there is a file altislife.sql.

Using WebFTP, retrieve this file from your computer so that you can import it later.

To import the altislife.sql file, go to '' (PHPMyAdmin) which allows you to manage the data of your SQL database.

Connect to the PHPMyAdmin and import the altislife.sql file.

All you have to do is restart your server!

Mission Activation

Activation des missionsTo activate the Altis Life missions, you must add in your server.cfg:

Arma 3 altis life map editor download torrent

And that's it, Altis Life is up and running on your server!

With lack of a simple editor in ARMA 3 to add map content and needing to start creating new stuff in ARMA 3, I decided to make a 3D Editor to make it easier to aid in map content editing.

Arma 3 Altis Life Map Editor Download

The editor supports saving/opening files directly from Windows, it will export map content in multiple formats including ARMA 3’s Terrain Editor.


Download from A3Launcher.

Get the source

Arma 3 altis life map editor download pc


Here is some code to grab the relative positions for all objects placed.

Arma 3 Altis Life Map Editor Download Pc


Arma 3 Altis Life Map Editor Download Full

Made this HTML/JS tool to convert CFG to SQF the editor can open:


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