Importing .qif File Into Quicken Deluxe 2018
Import Categories and Classes in Quicken
Importing QIF files in modern versions of Quicken (i.e. 2018) I tested the sample import code listed under the Direct method heading in Quicken for Mac Deluxe 2018 (version 5.6.3) and it imported the transaction but interpreted the year as the year 007. Quicken for Windows up to the latest 2020 (and 2019, 2018) version, supports import for QIF and QFX (Web Connect) files. Quicken 2005-2017 imports QIF files. Here are the major differences between QIF and QFX (Web Connect) format when you try to import them under Quicken.
Convert QIF to QFX (Web Connect) and import into Quicken 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 (Win/Mac) This tutorial shows how to convert a QIF file from your bank or credit card statement to QFX (Web Connect) and import into Quicken. We will use QIF2QFX utility. QIF format is a great format supporting categories and tags. Quicken was discouraging the QIF format until 2018, but still, all Windows versions import it fine (since Quicken 2018, QIF file is 'officially' supported). Quicken 2005-2017 for Windows has to be at least Deluxe version to import QIF files directly into bank or credit card accounts.
You can import a list of categories and classes designed for construction companies in Quicken.
Choose which import method is best for your company: Import without Memorized Reports, or Import with Memorized Reports. Memorized Reports allow you to track and analyze financial information like project budgets and taxes.
Import without Memorized Reports
1. Back up your Quicken company.
2. Open your Quicken company.
Importing .qif File Into Quicken Deluxe 2018 Free
3. Go to File > Import > QIFFile.
4. Select the account you want to import the QIF File into (recommended account: checking).
5. In the Include in Import dialog box, select Account List and Category List.
6. Click Browse and locate the import file in C:/Program Files/UDA Office/Construction Office/Quicken Tools/Import File/Import File.qif
7. Click OK.
Import with Memorized Reports
Importing Qif Files Into Quicken
Part 1
1. Open your Quicken company.
2. Go to File > Export > QIFFile.
3. Type a name for the QIF File you want to export the data to (recommended name: Quicken Export File).
4. Click Browse to select an export location. Choose a location easy to find, such as the desktop.
5. In the Include in Export dialog box, select the options that best fit your company. Selecting Transactions and/or Memorized Transactions will export all previous transactions of your company.
Part 2
1. Back up your Quicken company.
2. Open your Quicken company.
Importing .qif File Into Quicken Deluxe 2018 Download
3. Go to File > Import > QIFFile.
Importing .qif File Into Quicken Deluxe 2018 Software
4. Select the account you want to import the QIF File into (recommended account: checking).
5. In the Include in Import dialog box, select the same options you chose in Part 1.
6. Click Browse and locate the import file you created in Part 1.
7. Click OK.